Title: Of Boys and Men Series: Ridge Rogues Author: Renee Harless Release: June 18, 2020 Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance Cover Design: Porcelain Paper Designs Goodreads: https://bit.ly/2VmhOJu Blurb: I had a past. It was dark. It was ugly— it was my dirty secret. No one knew the weight of the burdens that nearly consumed me. I lived with a singular focus—seeking revenge on my father. Then the new girl, Jolee Ward, moved into the apartment above me and shattered my carefully constructed world. We were like oil and water. . . until we weren’t. Then we detonated like gasoline and fire, but the inferno threatened to destroy us both. One night with her couldn’t erase years spent plotting. Wellington University wasn’t big enough for the both of us. Review: The first book of the Ridge Rogues series hinges on Jolee Ward, a strong girl that came from Alaska to Boston to study at Wellington University. ⠀ She didn't expected to meet, the...